Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Yarn Wrapped Letters

Happy Tuesday everyone! We are experiencing a snow storm here in Jersey--hope you all are safe and warm where you are. Today my office closed early due to the snow and I was excited that I finally had the time (and energy) to show you a project I worked on over the weekend.

**SPOILER ALERT** You are going to see our baby's name in this post. We were not going to share the name quite yet, but unfortunately me and my silly mouth blurted it out to my  parents which then led to us sharing the name with Frank's parents and grandparents and some aunts and uncles and close friends...etc, etc.

Since I wanted to involve the baby's name in some decorations, I figured that it would be silly not to show you the project just because it would reveal his name. Also, I couldn't figure out how to disguise his name in photos. So! Here it goes:

I found these cardboard letters at Hobby Lobby for $2 each. I used the leftover yarn from the mobile project I have yet to show you to wrap around each letter. They definitely did not come out perfect, but I like them that way.

I had the most trouble with the "A" since it is extremely hard to wrap yarn through that itty bitty triangle. I used a glue gun to hold down the ends of yarn and just kept on wrapping until the yarn covered the cardboard letters. The whole project took about an hour and a half, but I was watching a movie while I worked so I may have been faster if I was not distracted.

I don't plan to keep the letters on the back of the crib, but I I'm hoping to lean them on a shelf that I am trying to decide where to hang. I just love the colors of the room. The bright white, soft grey, neutral tan, and soothing minty blue.

I can't wait to get the mobile hung up so I can show you what it looks like. It's done I am just waiting to pick up a hook to hang it from the ceiling before I take photos.

We also assembled the dresser/changing table last week and I am itching to get the drawers lined and ready for all his adorable tiny clothes and blankets. I've started to walk into his room from time to time and just look at everything imagining what it will be like when he's there.

This coming weekend my mom and my mother-in-law are hosting a baby shower for me and I am super excited! I think having more baby things in his room will make me feel more and more ready for his arrival. I'll update you more on that later this week.

I hope to stop by again tomorrow for another Wednesday Wish-List staring...the bedroom. Until then, stay warm!

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