Thursday, February 20, 2014

36 Week Update

Well here we are at 36 weeks. I. Can. Not. Believe. It.


Well, at this point I feel like we are at a standstill with the belly growth. My belly looks pretty much the same as it did six weeks ago...but maybe a bit lower. I have definitely noticed a change in the way my body feels in general. More tired, more hungry, more drained at the end of the day, and definitely more emotional. Frank tells me that those are signs we are close to the end and I try to remind myself that I'm going through all of these changes so that we get to meet our precious little baby sooner and sooner each day I wake up. 


Peanut butter. Everyday. Still. And just food in general. My appetite has been incredibly out of control. I am honestly always hungry and the GD diet has been tough to deal with since I have to wait certain amounts of time between meals and snacks and cannot just graze. But, only a few more weeks to go!

Nursery Progress:

To be honest things still look pretty much the same in the nursery. We are hoping to complete everything this weekend so I can post a reveal of the whole nursery next week. In the bump photo above you can see the the dresser is complete. Newborn diapers are stocked and sitting pretty in that awesome basket I snagged at HomeGoods a few weeks back. The first thing we've hung on the walls is that gorgeous name sign that a great friend hand-painted for us. Frank and I have several other decorations to put up this weekend and we are currently in the process of re-painting an old shelf we found in my parent's basement. 

The only thing we really have left to do is to get the car seat checked to make sure it is installed correctly. And maybe one more load of baby's laundry. 

We are beyond excited and I am getting impatient for the baby's arrival! I can't believe how soon it is and can't wait to meet him!

                      Keep in Touch with La Vita DiBella!
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