Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas! a day late...

I hope you all enjoyed your holidays! Ours was extra special this year since it was our 1st Christmas as a married couple. I just wanted to share with you all some pictures of our decorated apartment. Please excuse our boring white walls and curtain-less windows though...

We cut down our first tree together. I don't know about you but I love the smell of a real tree and there's something so cozy and romantic about going out in the mud to cut one down yourself.

While I was there I bought a few yards of boxwood garland and used it to decorate the apartment. It's amazing how far a little bit of garland goes. I also used a bit of the trimmings from the tree in places along with white, gold, and red Christmas balls. We got them at Michael's for $3.99 for boxes of 8.

That cake stand now holds lots of delicious Christmas cookies!
Look for a post on this end table very soon... you won't believe the before photo!

When we first moved in we only had one white bookshelf...and being that I live with a man who refuses to part with books, there was definitely not enough space for all of our books. Unfortunately, after searching online and in every store we could think of, we could not find a matching bookshelf. But, we decided to go with a close match that we found in Target.

To decorate our make-shift entertainment wall, we added boxwood to the tops, draped white twinkle lights on top and hung up our stockings. Viola! A very subdued Christmasy feel.

The picture above our TV is from our engagement photo shoot by Kara Loomis Photography in Central Park, NYC.

The stockings we bought from and Etsy site. They're burlap with white linen inside with our names on them. The stocking hooks are from Crate & Barrel. We got them on sale a few weeks before Christmas and love them!

I absolutely loved decorating for Christmas! Is it crazy that I'm already getting excited about how I might decorate next year? I hope you enjoyed decorating as well...I think I'm going to keep my decorations up a bit longer to enjoy them...and I'm even contemplating leaving the lights around the bookcases.

How did you decorate for Christmas? or the holidays?

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