Monday, June 24, 2013

Power Tools

Hello everyone! I'm back! Sorry for the unexpected break--we had some family related things to take care of and took the opportunity to take a small break from blogging. Everyone is okay and we are back into our normal routine this week.

However, we do have some exciting news to share! We started a project that we have been itching to start since last summer. Since we live in an apartment, we needed to wait until it was nice outside so we could spend a few days at Frank's mom's house working on it. 

We are not quite finished with it, but I thought I'd give you a bit of a sneak peek! We are hoping to have it finished by some time next week (or earlier if we can manage it!). 

Any guesses? If you've checked out our Facebook page you've probably seen some snapshots as we began working on it this weekend....

Our dining room table is getting a giant make-over!

We bought this table from Craig's list last year for $100 as a set including 4 chairs. We loved the pedestal base, but we were not in love with the linoleum covered top. Looking underneath we figured it would be fairly easy to take apart and just replace the top. When we looked into prices for new table tops we were blown away! If you've ever looked into it before you know it's not cheap to buy a pre-cut table top. 

So, we decided to make one ourselves! We found a couple tutorials and planned out our own tweaks to make it the most affordable and manageable project for us. We decided to take off the top, make our own table top and while we're at it, we are going to re-paint the base and chairs. As you can see, the pedestal is gorgeous, but in rough shape. 

So, first Frank took the table apart so we were able to lug the two pieces to his Mom's house to get started. 

Then, we spent some time at Lowe's picking up all of the supplies we needed to get started! We spent most of the day on Saturday and several hours Sunday morning and Sunday night working on getting the table top glued, cut, and drilled together. This week we will be working on giving it a good sanding job, staining it and finishing the painting. 

Needless to say, we are very excited about this project and I can't wait to reveal what it looks like when it's finally finished! Plus, I learned how to use 3 different power tools for this project which makes me feel powerful! 

Question of the day: How did you spend your weekend? Work on any new projects lately?

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