Friday, July 5, 2013

Green Onion Revival

Happy Friday everyone! I hope you all thoroughly enjoyed your 4th of July celebrations! Frank and I went up to north Jersey to visit his grandparents for their annual 4th of July party. This year it was a bit more low key, but very fun as usual. It's always great to take a break from life to enjoy the company of family. I hope yours was relaxing and positive as well. 

Today I want to show you a great trick I just learned!

 I was browsing some of the pins I have on Pinterest that I have not yet tried and found this gem. Apparently you can use the white ends of scallions to grow new ones! I guess I won't be buying green onions at the grocery store for a while! Who knew!?

Grow your own green onions: Next time you buy green onions, save the bulb and toss it in a jar of'll have a whole new bunch in 12 days!
Original Source

Of course I needed to try it on my own and lucky for me I had actually bought a bunch of scallions for something I was planning to cook and didn't get a chance to before they began to wilt. So, I rushed into my kitchen chopped off the wilty ends (is wilty a word?). I took out a rinsed out jar, filled it with some fresh water and set my onions in the jar by our window sill. 

I changed the water every other day and was sure to keep the jar in enough sunlight. And yes, that is a Tostitos salsa jar...

The next day I could tell that they were already starting to grow! And now, about 10 days later they are practically growing out of control! I guess I should find another recipe so I can use them and regrow them again. 

To grow your own:

1. Wrap leftover white ends of scallions loosely with a rubber band.
2. Fill a glass jar with about 1 1/2 to 2 inches of fresh water.
3. Place wrapped scallions in jar and place jar in the sun.
4. Replace water every other day or so.
5. Watch them grow!!


Apparently I can at least keep scallions alive! Oh, and by the way...remember those poor succulents I tried to revive? No go. One is completely dead. RIP poor succulent. And the other two are hanging on, but pretty scrawny. At least I have my scallions...and my basil!

Happy weekend! 

My Question for You! Have you tried to grow your own green onions or any other vegetable? 

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