I thought I'd show you all a glimpse of our new home and once everything is organized and completely unpacked I'll do a full tour of our home to show you our new space! I of course already have tons of projects swimming around in my head. I can't wait to get started on them! And I know as soon as the holidays are over with I'll be hard at work on the baby's nursery. I'll have lots to update you all on in the coming months.
For now, welcome to our home!
These pictures are from about a week ago, a few days after we moved in.
This is our kitchen. I envision a chalkboard on the back of that cabinet above the kitchen aid mixer and a drop station for our mail and keys.

We still have some cleaning and organizing to do yet, but most of our things fit fairly well. We even have a dishwasher at this new place! You definitely start to appreciate the luxuries when you're without. After having to hand wash all of our dishes for a year a dishwasher seems like a big deal!
Our kitchen opens into a dining area where we have a lot of work to do! Our grey table we completed right before we found out we were pregnant fits perfectly! We are looking to purchase a cabinet for our pantry items and a floor rug to go under the table to hopefully add some color.

And here is our living room. We have a fireplace that we cannot wait to use! We are still waiting for new glass doors before we can use it. Frank is setting up our cable in this picture.

Last weekend we cut down our tree and this past Friday we decorated it. I did some work this past week adding in some Christmasy touches to make our home feel a bit more finished and cozy. We have most of the boxes unpacked and most of the clutter is put away (or in the baby's room which has become our drop zone for the time being).
I am a bit over 26 weeks pregnant now and our little guy is (according to the books) slightly under 2 pds and about the size of a head of lettuce! I cannot believe quickly he is growing!
Frank insisted on colored Christmas lights this year... and here a few of my decorative touches.
This wooden star was a DIY project I made with my new crafting buddy I met at our church.
We used thin pieces of wood and stained them dark. Once they dried, we fit the wood into a star and glue-gunned the corners to make sure they stayed in place. We wrapped a bit of twine around the corners and finished it off with a strand of Christmas lights. Super easy with a big impact!
I hope you all are enjoying the beginning of the holiday season! I can't wait to update you all on our projects in the coming weeks. I am planning to make all of our Christmas gifts this year along with cinnamon ornaments and lots of baking! We will also be working on the baby's room and will keep you updated with our progress on those projects as well.
Happy Monday!
Keep in
Touch with La Vita DiBella!
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