So aside from all my silly fears and worries about this trip, I am also really really excited. Things I'm excited about include but are absolutely NOT limited to:
1. the warmth
2. the sunsets
3. the new and unique smells
4. the sounds of the people and the nature at night
5. the avocados :)
6. the beautiful children I'll get to actually see and hopefully laugh and play with
7. giving the children the beautiful knitted dolls the woman from church made them
8. meeting the amazing and courageous people behind the many organizations in the Harare community working to support and strengthen the people there
9. the people I'll meet
10. the stories that i'll hear
11. the memories i'll be blessed to help create and be a part of
12. and honestly i'm excited about being uncomfortable. I think being uncomfortable is the first step towards learning and growth. Without that, there's no reason to stretch and change. It's a daring thing to say I'm excited for, but I'm praying that it will be worth it.
13. and most of all, I'm excited about the amazing things I will learn from such a drastically different place. I always want to keep learning and I can't wait to see what Harare has in store for me!
Let's just hope I can swallow my malaria pill tonight...the instructions tell me that taking these pills is both grotesque and difficult for stomachs to handle. So I'm praying right now that my stomach is tough enough for this medicine. I don't know what I'll do if I can't keep it down. goes the Malarone challenge day #1. (of 17 lol)
I hope that leaving you with some positive notes is encouraging :) It really helped me to think more about the good than the bad today. I am almost finished packing. I just have to figure out some last little details, take the Malarone (and hope I can handle it) and get all my flight stuff situated.
I cannot believe this trip is in 2 days. It's sooo surreal. But, I've packed my journal so I can take LOTS of thoughts and notes down for you all to enjoy when I return and you better BET I'll be maxing out my memory card with pictures :)
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